Elk Meadows Estates
Ridgway, Colorado
HOA Committees
The many owners who participate on our committees are a major reason for the continued success of our Association. These volunteers strengthen the Association, improve the community, and make it a better place for everyone.
All Elk Meadows Owners are encouraged to serve on a committee where your specific expertise can be utilized.
Committees are chosen by the board and serve at the pleasure of the board to assist and advise the board in a given area of responsibility.
The board has the responsibility to provide a clear job description that outlines all tasks and expectations of the committee. There are two types of committees that work with the Board of Directors: 1) Standing, which exists indefinitely or until the board decides their purpose is no longer needed, and 2) Ad hoc, which are formed for a specific purpose which, once accomplished, terminates the need for the committee.
Whether a committee is standing or ad hoc, both have similar duties which include:
Scheduling meetings at the discretion of the committee,
Choosing its chairperson
Designating a person on the committee to take minutes so that the committee has a record of what was accomplished to date or planned for the future
Accomplishing the assigned tasks to the best of their ability
Providing reports to the board in writing at least seven days before the regularly-scheduled board meeting
Each member of a recognized committee is covered by the Association’s D&O policy for all authorized committee related activities.
Committee Reports
Professional Management Exploration reports 2020-2021
Trash Committee Report
Fence Committee Report
Conservation Report
Internet Options Report
Committee Charters
Committee charters outline the specific duties of each committee.
Standing Committees
Roads (New Charter September 2019)
Pay It Forward (New Charter September 2019)
Solar (September 2018)
Social (New September 2019)
Conservation (Updated July 2022)
Trails Task Force (New September 2019)
Ad Hoc Committees
The Governance and Architectural Review/Governing Documents committees have both been dissolved by the Board as of February 13, 2020 as a result of achieving the goal of new Governing Documents.
"The Professional Management (Property Management) Committee, Rules Committee, and Trash/Recycling Committee have been dissolved by the Board effective August 13, 2020 as a result of achieving their purpose."
Committee Duties
Committee duties and responsibilities are described in this document.
Sept 2019